"The messiah would arrive at 1335 days, 45 years later! That points to 1992"
Well, firstly, 1992? So what's he been doing since then, sitting on a heavenly toilet?
"Say, Thanks, and check it out Biblically. If they don't check out, then they haven't been sent from God. Don't believe them. So you're not really screwed here, because everybody can get a personal copy of the Bible these days, right?"
Well 99% of what you have said is NOT in the Bible - which is why your comments are almost devoid of scripture. But, before you deluge me with the scriptures in Daniel I already know, the problem is, as always, with the INTERPRETATION of prophesy.
And, since the Bible can be made to say almost anything - there are thousands of credible sounding explanations of prophesy that contradict each other - you really are screwed either way!
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
Everything you know about God is wrong - new book recommend
by stillajwexelder ineverything you know about god is wrong - the disinformation guide to religion.
new book recommend edited by russ kick published 2007. this is a new book just arrived i ordered on amazon.com isbn-10 1-932857-59-1. it is 387 a4?
pages long by various authors and a piece by dawkins.
James Free
I just wanted to share KM With You
by Sarah Smiles inlast week, a jw friend of mine brought over a september k.m.
he wanted to read what was the topic from the k.m.
that i was wondering about.
James Free
"The elder stated that the K.M. was going to be talked about later and it had nothing to do with getting together and studying the bible, reading WT, or researching in publications. That he needed to wait until September." I always hated hearing elders making such idiotic answers when asked something. The truth id the elder has no more information than anyone else reading the article. It will be discussed/dissected at a meeting. Something that can be read in 2 minutes will tale 10 or 20 minutes of lame questions and answers that endlessly repeat what is already there. Discussion? - there is no such thing at the meetings - just repetition. Try and add to/tray from the text and see what happens. I used to conduct parts like this - the hardest part was thinking of ways to ask the same question over and over in different ways in order to fill up the time. Of course, one way was always ask 3 or 4 to comment after all has been said already. Hehe, I am so glad I no longer have to listen to such dribble.
all Watchtower material contains coded messages.
by under_believer inunder_believer has joined the mason/illuminati/shapeshifting lizardman conspiracy theory crowd!
everything the watchtower writes for witness consumption has a subtext.
there is a difference between what they actually write, which anyone in the public can read, and what they actually mean.
James Free
"Anybody here who used to be a hardcore JW knows that good Witnesses parse the above article in that way or a way very similar to it." This is so true and how I would have read it once. You don't have to be hardcore though - when it is discussed for 20 minutes, endlessly repeating and going over what could have been said in 5 minutes, you can be sure the stronger version will be drummed into the listener. The strangest thing is that months or years later I might have needed to look up the article and be shocked to find that it did not say what I was sure it had. I might have even decided I could not find the 'other' article that was much stronger, haha.
James Free
No, not me. But those around me do and it's easy to get in the mood of it. But I know that a lot of it really does have a pagan root. It's not very Christian, despite what some may claim.
Even so, if it was very Christian I still wouldn't be interested, since celebrating the birth of a long gone Messiah set to return whenever the mood takes him does nothing for me.
And finally, I wouldn't do it for the non-religious side, as some do, because to me that's like eating a Big Mac without the burgers inside.
So what's left? Well, I celebrate New Year, because it inspires hope in the future - the real future, not some bogus religious false hope.
:) -
Someone did the math of the 1000 years = one day equation
by loosie ini got three emails today here is the first of three.
get ready to be sick.. .
someone did the math of the 1000 years = one day equation.
James Free
Sorry, re-reading your post I see you were quoting from another source. JW's don't talk much about thousand year days. They used to say a creative day was 7 thousand years long too, but have dropped that, although many old timers in the ORG don't realize it has been dropped.
Someone did the math of the 1000 years = one day equation
by loosie ini got three emails today here is the first of three.
get ready to be sick.. .
someone did the math of the 1000 years = one day equation.
James Free
Statistics, mmm. You forgot to mention Jesus paid his 'ransom' more that 2 'days' ago, and yet Billions have been born and have died since then, condemned and imperfect, even though the ransom has been paid already! Would you wait two days to help someone who was dying and in need of help? No? - Well according to your timetable God would. Slow? You bet!!
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
James Free
"hitler was to soft on the jw's if you ask me. i don't go for any of this cry baby stuff for jw's. they want to be anti social. treat them like terrorist that they are. and i have no quarms about saying how i feel." I will say what I feel too - that such disgusting comments reveal you to be an inhuman idiot unworthy to be allowed to post in this forum.
Download link for the WT 2006 CD ROM anyone?
by nicolaou ina direct link is much preferred to a bit torrent if possible.. thanks.
James Free
Here it is. It is a 2 part split archive, so download both parts and use winzip to rejoin the parts by just clicking on the file ending .zip. It is the full ISO. http://www.sendspace.com/file/n20mdx and http://www.sendspace.com/file/rcly5j enjoy. Sorry about the formatting of this post but I am using Firefox and this forum PHP does not work as it should.
Is the 2008 version of the Watchtower really about saving money?
by neverendingjourney inwhen i first heard of the new watchtower arrangement, i immediately thought it was another in a long line of cost-cutting moves.
i thought they were interested in cutting the overall number of magazines they print every month.
so if they printed 20 million copies every 15 days, they could now print seven or eight million out of one of the monthly editions and cut over 10 million of magazines a month.
James Free
It's a good point raised about the Pioneers. But the rank and file will not order more, in general. A very large number of mags are thrown away already. Most JW's I knew had a box full of the things in their homes and when they got too old, or the box too full, they would dump them.
Their numbers are not increasing in the industrialized world (where people have $), but they are climbing in the third world (where people don't have $). Therefore, it's my belief that they have to cut back on costs because the money coming in from the wealthy lands is not covering the growth in the poor parts of the world.
This is an interesting point, but missing an important point. I lived in the UK where JW's are not allowed to ever ask for money, only answer if it is mentioned by the householder. The only time 'they' ever did was during the platform demonstration. In countries like Italy, they are encouraged to mention donations, but not push it. It all depends on the local charity tax laws - nothing at all to do with 'received free, give free". Now I am in a third world country in Asia. Here the JW's actively ask for cash - mentioning how it all gets printed in Japan etc. There is no money here, yet there is a tradition of giving to religious causes, and the JW's are not shy to push the matter, even holding on to the literature until something is given.
The local JW's do not waste the literature like those in the UK. They respect material costs more - after all, they work all day to earn a dollar.
I do think this change is about saving money. It is also as they say, to avoid having to explain JW vocabulary. Public talks ceased being for the public a long time ago. They are just longer instruction talks now. The WT study will be the same. I hope so anyway - then even less new ones will bother to go to the meetings.
What would you do with the domain governingbody.org
by James Free ini know someone who has this domain.
he bought it with the intention of challenging the gb's authority and teachings.
but, times have changed - he's moved on from the past and thinks he'll never get around to making and maintaining the site.. if you would like this domain name - no charge - tell me why you should be the one to use it.
James Free
I know someone who has this domain. He bought it with the intention of challenging the GB's authority and teachings. But, times have changed - he's moved on from the past and thinks he'll never get around to making and maintaining the site.
If you would like this domain name - no charge - tell me why you should be the one to use it. I'll pass on all the comments.